National Certificate on Language Proficiency in Serbian

If you need a certificate in Serbian, the best choice is to take an exam for the official National Certificate on Language Proficiency in Serbian. The National Certificate of Proficiency in Serbian is the only nationally and internationally recognized legal document which proves your level in Serbian. With this certificate you can study in Serbian universities and it is also the most powerful tool to boost your CV if you plan to apply for a job which requires certain level of proficiency in Serbian, both inside and outside Serbia. This certification system is built in compliance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages of the Council of Europe (CEFR) and it is approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia. The exam is conducted at the Faculty of Philology of the University in Belgrade.

Levels in Serbian which can be certified are:
A1 - Breakthrough
A2 - Waystage
B1 - Threshold
B2 - Vantage
C1 - Effective Operational Proficiency
C2 - Proficiency

Exam dates (subject to minor changes):
January 10th, 2025
June 20th, 2025
August 28th, 2025
Application deadline - 15 days before the exam.

Preparatory course
Enroll the preparatory course in order to pass your exam in Serbian language easier and get a better grade. The preparatory course is 1-48 weeks long and it consists of 10-30 Serbian language classes a week, which can be taken in Serbia or on-line, via Skype. In the preparatory course you will practice all language skills in Serbian which are being tested during the certification exam:
a) reading,
b) writing,
c) speaking with pronunciation,
d) listening,
e) communicative interaction,
f) grammar skills,
g) specific vocabulary and phrases.

Starting dates for the Serbian preparatory course:

I would like to take the exam for the official National Certificate on Language Proficiency in Serbian!

Important info

Course dates and feesHow to apply for Serbian courses & summer schoolsTravelling to Serbia and Belgrade Tourist GuideVisas
"Srbomer" Quiz Gallery Donations